Ranger Cub Page 1

October 2023

On a very wet October day, I picked the Ranger up from a garden in Aberdeen, where it had been sitting for a few years. My trailer required a temporary centre track and a third loading ramp. Once strapped down it was time to head home.

on trailer
Loaded on trailer

Once home, it was straight to work, the headlights are sealed beam and are of little use, so a set of LED headlights were fitted.

LED headlights
LED Headlights

I'm not a fan of chrome, so the mirrors had to go, I fitted a set of old "bullet" type ones that were once fitted to the GTM Coupe. These will need a clean, as does the rest of the car, once the weather allows outside working.

Bullet mirrors
Bullet Mirrors

The car was reported to be a non-runner, and that was confirmed once I had charged the battery up. No spark was found at the plugs, and also no spark at the coil. The coil its self have the correct voltage, so the next place to check was the distributor. The (new?) cap was removed, along with the rotor arm and points. These wer cleaned, refitted, gapped and the cap replace. This gave me a nice strong spark, so we went and tried for a start.


Next on the list was the fact that the headlight/indicator/horn stalk was only working intermittently. On looking closer, I found that it had melted at the end. I supect due to a high current drawing horning being fitted. So a replacement has been ordered, and a relay fitted to the horn. At the same time the old Bi-Metal flasher relay has been replace with a modified modern one. This has been modified in the same was as the GTM to allow LED bulbs to be fitted later.

melted stalk
flasher relay
flasher replay new & old
horn relay
horn & relay

On the floor of the Cub, there was some wiring that came from the bulkhead and headed to the rear lights. This wasn't too great looking, so the wiring was disconnected at the rear, pulled out, and passed through the bulkhead and re-attached.

wiring on the floor

The final thing for this month was the fact I noticed that the radiator fan was fitted the wrong way around, a common mistake on the A-Series engine. This meant, removal of the radiator, before swapping the fan around. Now that thats done, hopefully it will cool the engine a little better.

Radiator fan
Wrong direction fan
Radiator fan
Right direction fan